Friday, July 22, 2011

The Hind End of A What?

WOW - What a productive day! I took a vacation day on this fine Friday to help me man finish painting the exterior of the house. While he left early to work at his shop for a bit I finished laundry and painted the trim around the door. (The one he had to fix twice.)

When he got home we set to work and after a day of blood, sweat, and tears. Without the blood or tears - the house looks AMAZING! It's like a brand new house! AND he complimented painting skillzz instead of telling how I can do it better. Word up! What a great day!

My love being the sweetheart that he is invited the neighbors over for fajitas - so after painting I run to the grocery store. While on the way I realize I'm filthy AND the bottom part of my left flip flop is coming off. Not to mention I must smell like the hind end of donkey. Crap. Good thing we do not live in an area like River Oaks - no one at the grocery store I frequent is even close to being a looker - so spray myself with a couple squirts of love spell and in I go. Dirty. Stinky. Cut off shorts, broken flip flop, and my oh so stylish zebra shades. Take notes people. This is the life!

I get home and start dinner. On the menu this evening is home-made mexican rice, charrrrrrro beans, home-made guacamole, and of course the fajitas. Take a quick shower, stir the beans, make the guac, set plates and spoons, and napkins out, set up the little dinner tray tables, put the shredded cheese in a cute bowl so no one has to stick their whole arm in my bag of cheese, chop veggies, stir the sour cream, and start heating the tortillas with butter in a pan. Baby cooked the meat on the grill and we ready for this impromptu dinner party! I even put of my fancy purfume.

Oohhhhh - they aren't coming over? We're just taking them a to go plate?? Well if I knew that I'd have saved alot of energy and clean dishes - but oh well - suits me just fine as wine!

Dinner was ahhhh-mazing. Sometimes I wish I was a shitty cook - maybe I'd be skinny. Then again doubtful - pizza hut delivers. Got the kitchen cleaned up even thought I didn't wanna do it and now as I sit here typing these words, baby is looking through the direct stream of netflix movies, the dogs are crashed... (I guess they had a really exhausting day watching us work) and me...I'm happy.  As they say, "My cup runneth over." 

Perhaps a nice cherry vodka,water+lemon to go with our movie and this b!tch gonna sleep like a rock tonight!

As Winnie the pooh would say, "Tata for now!" 

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