Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I don't know NUTHIN' bout birthin' no babies!!!!!

Hello again! It's been a while since I found the time to sit down and pour my ever so random thoughts out into the world wide web! Feels good.... Insert Ace Ventura, "Fits like a glove!" line here including the dumb face. sister's birthday was last week. I called to make fun of her because next year is the big 4-0! Oh and to tell her happy birthday and I love her and all that crap. Bla. Bla. While talking we get on the subject of a friend who we grew up with and his wife being pregnant. We really never thought they'd have kids - so I'd put them in the same boat as me. Buuuut - bich is knocked up and I'm super excited for them!

Speaking of babies... She tells me that my niece, Kenzie, asks her all the time, "When is aunt Mandy gonna have a baby? I eally want a baby cousin." Um - hold up there sister. Hello - have we met before? I'm your sister that drinks vodka, dances to rap music, and has chihuahuas. Recognize! After I gather my wits from having a flash of me holding a crying baby, a man to clean up after, and a certain black dog peeing on my treadmill, I am able to flash back to reality and respond.  "Um..Please take her into the bathroom and WASH HER MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP!"

She then proceeds to tell me how she really would love a baby niece or nephew. Well - HELLO - you have one of each. They are named Bella Boo and Minute. They come from a long line a regal and very important Chihuahua's. Nooo - but she wants the baby smell. Ok - well I can put the newborn nursery scent in my scentsy and put a diaper on them with fresh dog turds? Does that work? Cuz that's all I got.

It's as close as your getting there sister - so come to terms. Come. To. Terms.


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